Nike Rise ph

Whilst the AKQA creative and film team created an amazing TV series giving young Filipino basketballers a shot at greatness, I was brought along to add a flair of technological advancement to the basketball games and training sessions.

Situated along one side of the basketball court a large cinema scale LED wall was errected. This was primarily to wow the audience with pre-game visuals and play episodes of the Rise TV series as they were released.

To enhance the training experience, we created a realtime playback experience for the coaches to use during their training sessions. Positioning a Go-Pro camera above the court we were able to capture and playback the players training sessions in realtime to the LED Wall.

Controlled via an ipad the coaches could additionally sketch on top to help highlight where players should have been positioned and or played. Footage was additionally made available to coaches to review afterwards.

Additionally, I created a live scoreboard overlay that fed into the broadcast studio during public match games.

Everything was run on a mac pro using black magic live capture card. Software was built using very early version of react for the live scoreboard and video overlay drawing tool. Live capture & realtime playback was implemented using VDMX5 and integrated with [TouchOSC]( as an admin tool to manually bookmark favourite moments. Everything was developed onsite on request.